Monday, August 13, 2012

A post in which I decompress*

As usual when I schedule a day off to rest, I was up at six am on the dot.  Dammit.  But since I was up anyway, I logged on and had a buddy come by for a bit. 

But I had stuff to do.  I did several loads of laundry and put things away from the weekend.  I ate left-overs for breakfast, but skipped lunch.  I had the yard mowed and ran to the store for a couple of odds and ends, plus some cash to pay the guy. 

Billy had given me some pretty big squash that they weren't going to eat, so I decided to make a little squash casserole.  The squash were pretty far gone though.  When I cut them open they were almost like a gourd inside.  I put them on to stew, but then fell into the internet vortex and forgot to check them.  I burned the squash, but from what I salvaged it was really tough anyway. 

Eventually, I decided I had to get cleaned up and get out for a while.  I had been talking to a buddy online, and he kept saying he was coming over, but he never did.  I hauled off the ridiculous amount of recycling that had built up over the last couple of weeks, not to mention the extra stuff from the weekend. 

I wanted to go out for supper, and called Rhonda, but she couldn't be coaxed.  I guess I didn't really need to spend the money anyway, but it didn't seem that I'd had all that much fun on my day off.  I ran by Big Lots, and then went on home to eat left-overs for supper.  There were some things there that needed to be eaten.  I picked up some deluxe nut mix at Big Lots that was supposed to have Macadamia nuts in it, but there notably few.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. 

I just resigned myself to staying in, vegged in front of the tube, and played some computer games.  Back to work tomorrow.  I got everything done that I had planned to do, except for me feet, which are again in need of some attention, but I guess they'll get done sometime. 

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