Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A post in which I see Dad

It started out as such a nice day.  I got in, pulled the data, and sent it to Manila for reports to be done.  Then I found out that our 'report specialist' wasn't in the office.  No problem, she has a backup.  Then I started to notice that no reports were coming out.  About the time I was becoming concerned (and starting to field inquiries about same) a couple of reports came out.  All of which were wrong.  Every report the backup guy sent out was wrong.  Oy. 

By mid-afternoon, he just sent me an email and dumped the baby in my lap.  By that time, of course, everything was late, everyone was impatient, and the time to get things fixed was short.  I managed to get it all pretty much back on track though.  It was just a lot more stress than I banked on today.

I did manage to finally get Angela's cookbook in the mail to her.  About damn time.

By the end of the day I was tired out and frazzled, but Tuesday night is dinner with Dad and Eve.  I didn't really feel like going after last week, but I also didn't want to have it hanging over me.  But since things had gone so poorly last week, I figured Dad would be on his best behavior tonight, and he was. 

So dinner went smoothly.  We went to Mimi's, which they like, and which is fine with me.  As long as I didn't have to make the decision, I really didn't have a preference. 

After dinner I went back to the house for a visit.  We talked about tile, and the bathroom.  Dad said I should get the floor I want.  He said the cost of the tile wasn't a huge deal because the bathroom is so small.  I'm going to go to Home Depot to see what they have since Lowe's didn't have what I wanted.  I'm really dreading having the house torn up for an indeterminate amount of time, but also really looking forward to the bathroom being done. 

It was a nice evening, and I am relieved that he isn't pouting about last week.  I like it when we get along.

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