Monday, August 6, 2012

A post in which I visit with Nicole

It was a quiet day at work today - a nice way to start the week.  I made the reservations for camping this weekend. 

Tonight was my visit with Nicole.  She had gotten in touch last weekend for us to make plans.  Nicole is a fiery and tempestuous red-headed vixen, which I knew, but apparently her fiery tempestuousness is headed in new directions at present.  That was why she wanted to talk to me.

The evening got off to an odd start because I made mention of the incest in my childhood, not realizing that after making no secret of it, being interviewed for Angela's movie, and going on Oprah to talk about it, that there were still people in my life who didn't know the deal. So we covered that. 

We both felt like nesting, so we stayed in tonight and just ordered a pizza.  I remembered that Nicole told me she had never eaten off of china before, so I got out the Wedgwood.  For added panache, I had my great-grandmother's silver that Mom brought me from Granny's house, and we used that too.

The conversation flowed, as it usually does when Nicole is around.  Eventually she got to the point of the visit.  Apparently she has decided to broaden her sexual repertoire (having recently started having one) (and delightedly sharing a rather astonishing level of detail), and wanted some advice about BDSM.  It was an interesting talk, although I felt woefully ill-equipped to advise her.  I told her we would talk to Russ and Billy, and maybe we could set up some kind of play date eventually.  I loaned her some stuff, and sent her on her way.

After she left, I called Myz Shea to tell her I had passed along a flogger I bought from her years ago.  It's a sweet little toy, and great for a beginner, but it's really soft doeskin.  I've just out-grown it.  I had kept it mainly for the memory of getting it from her.  We had a nice talk, and I told her a little about Jason.  It was a nice evening.

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