Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A post in which trip work continues

I’m on a tight schedule this week for reports, but I think I can get them done. The main problem, as always, is one particular division. I’ve used everything up to and including personal charm to get their stuff in on time, and it has helped, but they still lag.

I exchanged emails with Mom today, more out of mutual excitement than actually needing to communicate. I really want this trip to go well after last year’s debacle in Atlanta.

After work I went to the library for books and books on CD, then by the grocery store for just a few odds and ends I didn’t want to have to worry about picking up when I got home, and then by the bank. When I got home I started packing. I am not a light packer and I’m going to be gone for five days, so this was not a casual undertaking. Still, once I made the decision to limit myself to three pairs of shoes I was OK. It helped that all the laundry was done.

Afterwards I settled down on the sofa with a huge bowl of snap beans and taters, and watched a special on TCM about Vivien Leigh. She was a truly ravishingly beautiful woman, even if one of the people they interviewed described his first impression of her as “rather muffin-faced…not at all the beauty she was later to become”. I guess anyone can have an off day, right? But then, bless her heart, she had kind of an off life. I don't think I would trade lives with her (even if she was still alive) for all her fame.

I had a terrible time getting to sleep tonight. Difficult last night too. I wonder if the honeymoon effect of the blood pressure medication is wearing off, and I’m going to have insomnia again. What an awful thought. Then again, maybe it's just the usual 'trip nerves'. I'm usually too excited to sleep the night before the fall trip.

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