Saturday, September 18, 2010

A post in which I stay home, disappointingly

I woke up feeling like crap today. I hurt all over. I got up and stirred around a bit to see if I would feel better, but I didn’t. Eventually, I made the call to not go to Ava’s party. As much as I wanted to see her and go, I decided it wasn’t worth the chance of making everyone who was there sick, particularly the baby and Eve right before her surgery on Monday. I called Lisa, who was disappointed, but understood.

I spent most of the day on the sofa. I just plain hurt. I dozed off and on, and the cats laid all over me – they were thrilled. I watched telly, played on the computer, and snoozed off and on. I got cleaned up later and had decided to go grab something for supper, but then changed my mind. I ended up eating a light supper out of the freezer while I watched Gigi (I really like that movie more the more times I see it), and then started on Love in the Afternoon before turning in.

I was upset at missing the party, and at missing the Kindred thing in Atlanta. MC and sa were to be there, and I probably won’t see them for a while since they’ve moved to Tennessee. I just feel so useless. It was a quiet day, but I could feel that I needed the rest.

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