Monday, September 6, 2010

A post in which I am a remarkably good boy

Despite getting off to rather a slow start. Since I was out so late last night, I slept in, then had a leisurely, if small, breakfast, and lazed around for a bit before I got moving. But there were things that just had to be done.

I am convinced that if we had more three day weekends I would get more house work done. It just takes me two days of goofing off before I feel like doing anything, and I usually don’t have a third day to actually buckle down. That’s my excuse anyway…

I did all the laundry, including towels, sheets, and shower curtain. Terry may be coming to stay a night or two while I’m gone, and I wanted things to be nice. Plus it just needed doing. I cooked my beans and taters. I scrubbed the bathroom floor, and swept the kitchen. The kitchen really needed mopping as well, but I wasn’t going to just go crazy.

I called Russ and Billy, hoping they would get home soon enough to go to dinner or something. I knew they were coming back from Savannah today, and I would have liked to have heard about the trip. But they were stuck in traffic, and didn’t get back until around 9. Ugh. That is miserable. Apparently there was quite a pile up on the way back from the beach on Labor Day weekend – go figure.

I knew Miss Kat and dana would be holed up after the trip, and didn’t bother them.

So I just stayed in and relaxed with the computer and the telly. There wasn’t anything really great on. I tuned in to a Hoarders marathon. I will admit a morbid fascination, and it certainly made me feel better about the way my house looks, but it was a bit of a downer. I guess I really didn’t need to go out tonight anyway. I’ve already screwed up my circadian rhythm staying out so late, I’ve certainly done my share of partying, and I’ve smoked like a fiend all weekend. Plus I’ll be all over the place at the beach later this week, so I really can’t complain about not getting out of the house, right? Just as well to spend an evening in, I suppose.

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