Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A post in which I get out of town


After another crappy night’s sleep, I got up and got ready for work. I figured I would have plenty of time to rest over the next several days. When I walked in, the girls had decorated my desk for my birthday tomorrow. My friend Nancy had also baked a cake for me. She gave me the recipe for one of my favorite cakes, and made one for my birthday. I thought it was really sweet that she went to all that trouble. They usually just get bakery cakes for birthdays here. Also, since I'm not really in anyone's department, they don't usually decorate my desk and stuff. I know Nancy was behind that. They had gotten me a card as well. It was nice, and I was touched. Work was fine, and I was able to get all the reports done (despite my boss’s extra pains to nit-pick) and the audit completed.

Russ was having an issue though. My appointment was tonight after work because he said he couldn’t take me any other day this week. He texted me at lunch to tell me that he had a filling fall out of his tooth, and had a dental appointment at 4pm. I didn’t hear back from him so I called when I got off work. He asked that I load the car before I came to the shop, so I did that. I really wanted to change after my haircut, but it was fine, and he got to the shop about the time I could get there.

And then, finally, I was able to get on the road. I really need this trip. The drive down was uneventful. I put a PG Wodehouse book on CD in the stereo and booked it, stopping at a Subway for supper on the way. I got a head start on my vacation eating by buying three cookies with my sandwich (I would have sworn that the girl asked me if I would like free cookies, but then that couldn’t possibly be right now could it?), but they were so sweet and loaded with artificial vanilla that I couldn’t finish them. I ate two though.

It was good to see Mom. We talked for a while. Granny is starting to realize that she isn’t going to be able to go home any time soon, if at all. I don’t see how she can go home with all that is wrong with her, but she’s fighting being at the nursing home. Any time they bring her something from her house, she sends it back home the next weekend. She won’t leave her room to be involved with any of the social activities, and more troubling, won’t have her hair done. She doesn’t answer her cell phone they got her when you call because she can’t remember how. She won’t let the staff do anything for her. She either has the housekeeper or whichever daughter is there do for her. Her housekeeper is still staying there days with her right now, but that isn’t going to last for much longer. She doesn’t seem to be settling in. It’s not a good situation, but I don’t know that there is anything I can do about it.

We caught each other up on the family news, but it had been a long day for me. I went on to bed. Tomorrow, the beach!

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