Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A post in which I am back at work*

Well it was back to the ole grindstone today. I woke up really sleepy this morning, so it is probably a good thing I didn't go see friends last night. I was dreaming very intensely about Dad and Eve getting a divorce, for some reason. We were meeting with an attorney in her large and impressive-looking car at the local mall, and I was there, in the spirit of dream-logic that makes the bizarre perfectly understandable.

Alan is out of the office for the next several days, which is a nice little surprise. I was able to get caught up without too much trouble.

I needed to call the doctor today to confirm my appointment to get the biopsy results, but at the end of the day I found that it had quite slipped my mind. I guess the denial isn't quite as over as I thought. I can always call them tomorrow morning I guess.

Jeremiah called this afternoon, and actually showed up, which was nice.

After he left, I went to the grocery store for a micro-trip just to get sandwich stuff for lunches this week.

Gone with the Wind was on TCM tonight, and I got caught up in it. I don't remember that movie making me tear up as much as it did tonight. I'm so easy these days. I'm turning into quite the romantic. Mom tells me that increasing sentimentality is one of those things that happens when you get older. I usually only watch the part up until the war starts, but I found the whole thing unusually absorbing tonight. I didn't stay up until the end, but I stayed up later than I should have. I had a surprisingly hard time getting to sleep tonight. I figured after last night I would be out like a light, but I kept getting sucked back in to the movie.

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