Monday, February 15, 2010

A post in which it is Billy's birthday

Well I paid for yesterday today. I probably over-did on Saturday as well. I woke up feeling like hell. But the doughnuts had to be made, and I had already taken a day off last week when I was sick with the upper respiratory infection, so there was nothing to do but tough it out and go on in to work. This is the backlash of Epstein Barr, so I knew I wasn’t contagious or anything, and I know how to fight it. Drink fluids, get rest, and take my Emergen-C. But in the meantime I felt awful.

It was a tough day. I had two useless meetings (one of which was a one-on-one with my boss, who was in a mood) in addition to my usual Monday stuff.

Then this afternoon I had a phone call from a guy who was looking at buying the Bomber. He had gotten my information off of the maintenance records (I had left them in the glovebox to try to be a good guy) and called me at work. TWICE. He told me he was a minister, and I tried my best to tell him not to buy the car without just outright telling him it was a POS, but he was not to be dissuaded. During the first call, I finally told him (because he was a minister) that I had traded the car because it needed work done. He called me back that afternoon to tell me that he had reviewed the service record with the Dodge dealership and was buying it anyway. You just can’t help some people, but at least I hadn’t lied to a minister. Libertine I may be, but I do have some standards.

By the end of the day I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was crawl home to my bed, but that wasn’t an option.

Billy’s birthday dinner was tonight, and since he put together my birthday dinner in September, I pretty much had to go. Plus there would be a bunch of the Kindred there, including Lady Beth, whom I hardly ever see.

I went by Lowes first (since I was right there) and returned the dead switch I got a couple of weeks ago. Then I went over to Best Buy to pick up a gift card for Billy, which is what he had requested. After that I stopped at Out of Bounds for a birthday card. I needed to get some new gay stickers for Gracine anyway, and had been meaning to go by there. I wanted to get Billy a penis card, but for some reason, all of the penises were small. I don’t get that. I suppose there’s a market there. I’m not a size queen but if I’m going to buy a dick card, I want a big one. I'm just sayin'. I ended up going in another direction. Then it was home to change, feed the cats, and head right back out the door.

The dinner was at the Olive Tree, a Greek/Italian place of which Russ and Billy are very fond. I hadn’t eaten there before, but the food was good. I had a calzone that was lovely. I was kind of sorry I don’t eat meat any more, to be truthful. They had souvlaki plates, which of course are wonderful, but the tzatziki sauce really looked amazing. I would have loved to have had some of that.

I got to sit right beside Lady Beth, which was great. I really like her, and usually everyone’s trying to get her attention so it was nice to get her to myself a bit. Miss Kat and dana were there, and so were Carmina and adder – they had driven all the way up from Columbia to be there, and it is just always good to see them. Billy's cool sister was there - the one we all like - and I got to sit right across from her. There were a bunch of guys from the bear group there too.

It was a very nice meal, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone, but when it was time to go home, I was ready. I crawled gratefully into bed and collapsed.

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