Friday, February 5, 2010

A post in which I visit with Miss Kat and dana

It was another rainy, yucky day today. All day long. When I got of work, I made my soggy way home to change. I had invited Miss Kat and dana over, but they preferred that I come there. I really couldn’t blame them.

There was nothing in the house to eat that I wanted to wait on, since I had let the fridge empty out this week in preparation for going to the mountains. I could have had a cheese sandwich, but just really felt like eating something better on a Friday night. I usually stop at Long John Silver’s when I go over there. I can just grab a quick meal of fish tacos (a guilty pleasure of mine); but tonight I thought “Screw it. If I’m going to eat something bad for me anyway, I’ll just get what I want.” So I went to another Chinese buffet, this one over off White Horse Road. For some reason I just die for cheap Chinese food around the time of Chinese New Year. I’m sure it’s completely in my head, but I indulge it.

Of course tonight’s meal wasn’t as much fun as last night with Nicole (nor was the food as good, frankly), but I have an excellent book right now. It’s another Charlaine Harris book, called Poppy Done to Death. This series features the intrepid Aurora Teagarden, sleuth in a small southern town, rather than her more popular Sookie Stackhouse character. I have one of that series in the pile too, but there’s just something about a whodunit when the weather is ugly.

After eating enough to keep a small Ethiopian village alive for a week, I went on over to Miss Kat’s, to find her at home alone. dana had taken Miss Helen to the auction tonight. We sat and talked and visited until dana and Miss Helen came in. I helped them carry in all the stuff, and Miss Helen showed me her disaster pantry, where she is putting food aside in case of the rioting/war she believes is coming. She said “Can you shoot a gun?” To which I replied that I can, but haven’t for many many years. “Too bad.” She commented. Apparently I am to be one of the many casualties of the coming difficulties.

After visiting for a bit with dana I headed on home.

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