Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A post in which I am sick

Well there was no doubt about it when I got up this morning. I have another %^$%$##@!! upeer respiratory infection. I felt like crap, and could tell this junk was moving down into my chest. Sigh. Deja vu. The Epstein Barr does make me more susceptible to infections, and since my boss would come to work if he had the Black Plague, I guess I'm just going to have to get used to this.

I had to go on in to work, because dead or alive, the slides had to be done. I managed to finish up the 8,000 updates that needed to be done and have a debate about yet another format change before I had to leave to make my doctor's appointment. The doc confirmed, sent me a prescription, and I went to get it. Then I went home and hit the sofa. I slept most of the afternoon, intermittently waking to catch parts of the antique shows on BBC America. I woke up when my fever started going up this evening.

I took some ibuprofen and waited for it to break before getting ready for bed.

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