Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A post in which I indulge myself

Although I pretty much have it under control, I don’t wake up feeling good when I have an Epstein Barr flare-up. That really sucks. I used to wake up feeling great and in a good mood usually. After I stir around a bit and have some coffee I feel better, but I really hate starting the day off achy and feeling bad. I was making up the bed this morning when I realized that I had never called new Billy last night. We had said we were going to stay in touch this week, but I had completely forgotten it.

It was a busy day at work today. I had two training classes to do and then my regular stuff. Additionally I kept getting new clients. After the classes, my throat was pretty sore, but I thought the classes went well. Billy texted me during the second one, and apologized for not calling me. I texted back and let him off the hook. Apparently we were just both too busy last night, which happens.

When I got home tonight, I had kind of a quandary. I had some veggies in the fridge that needed to be used, but I really wanted to rest instead of cook. I’ve been craving Alfredo sauce terribly, and had looked up a recipe and gotten the stuff to make it this week for suppers. It was cook or eat frozen pizza. Eventually cooking won out despite the extra work.

Surprisingly, the most highly rated recipes I found called for cream cheese as a thickener rather than the traditional butter/flour roux. Against my inclinations, I used one of these recipes. I started putting it together, and then remembered that I hadn’t gone by the store to get Reggiano Parmesan cheese as I had planned to do on the way home. I had some powdered stuff, but not enough. It was at that stage where it was too late to run to the store. I ended up using some of the goat’s milk Gouda I had in the fridge; not what I wanted to use that for, but I have to say that the sauce was kick-ass. I usually don’t make high-fat stuff like Alfredo sauce, but I spared no fat gram tonight. I poured the sauce over pasta and mushrooms and spinach that I had sautéed in butter with garlic, white wine, and lemon juice. The completed dish was very rich, indulgent and delicious. It was even worth cleaning the kitchen and all. Probably not what I needed to be eating, but sometime you just have to live a little.

I watched some telly and fooled around on the computer a bit. I did remember to call Billy tonight, but he was too busy to talk. Eventually the tiredness caught up with me and I went on to bed.

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