Thursday, February 11, 2010

A post in which I continue to be sick

I still felt pretty bad this morning when I woke up. I decided not to go in to work.

I made some poached eggs because I was dying for them, ate, and slept for a while before conquering the mess in the kitchen.

I hurt all day today, and had a headache almost all day. That is one of the calling cards of Epstein Barr - killer headaches.

I slept for a good part of the day, but watched enough BBC America to know that they re-ran almost every program they showed yesterday. Yeah I was pretty over that.

After a huge lunch of the last of the layered Mexican dip, I slept most of the afternoon.

This evening, I mustered up the energy to go to the mailbox. That was my big excitement for the day. I tended to my virtual farm and aquarium tonight.

Yeah, it pretty much sucked.

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