Thursday, February 4, 2010

A post in which I go out for Chinese Buffet

I talked to Mother this morning about the trip, and apparently they are expecting a lot of snow and ice in the mountains this weekend, so the tri p to Granny’s is cancelled. I was disappointed, because I wanted to see Mom and Granny, but at the same time, this left me free to make plans for the Super Bowl. I had agreed to go up before I realized the game was this weekend. I got in touch with Russ and Billy, and Kimbley and Laura, but no game parties planned that I can find out about. Maybe I’ll have people in myself. If it wasn’t on a Sunday I’d be all for it, but having a party and then having to work the next day may be more than I really want to take on.

I got a lovely response from Lynn on my first Kindred update today. That was nice.

Nicole and I had planned on going to dinner and having a visit tonight, so despite the weather we decided to go. It had snowed lightly during the day, but by the time I got off work it was just wet drizzly yuck outside – in short February weather. February is the cruelest month, not April. February is the month in which we Southerners pay for our pretty weather the rest of the year. We have unpleasant Januaries sometimes, and I’ve been through ice storms in March, but February is consistently disgusting, nasty, raw weather.

Not to mention it contains Valentine’s Day, the bane of single people everywhere. Nothing like a special day where society says, in unison “Hi there you pathetic loser! Life is passing you by AND your expendable to society! Hope you don’t die alone and get eaten by your cats!” But I digress.

After going by the library, and (God help me) the grocery store (I was out of milk. I take solace in the fact that it is my duty to buy groceries during inclement weather whether or not I actually need anything. I did go to a better neighborhood tonight instead of the redneck store in mine, so it wasn't such a madhouse.), I went home to meet Nicole.

We went to Ni Hao, since I’ve been craving Chinese buffet for several weeks now, and I basically ate like I just got out of prison or something. I’m seriously considering just abandoning all dietary restraint for the month. I could use the boost in morale. Not the best idea in the world from a clothes-fitting perspective, but it makes a dandy rationalization.

After supper, we just went back to my place, turned on some music, cracked a bottle of Pinot Noir, and talked. Nicole is a talker too, so we never lack for conversation. She’s nearing the end of school, has landed a fabulous intern position, and things are starting to happen for her; and I am just thrilled. Girlfriend has paid her dues.

It was a lovely evening

1 comment:

Ms. Red said...

And Girlfrind had a fab-a-lous time!