Thursday, March 6, 2008

Such a good boy I was - an interesting email

I hauled off the recycling last night, cleaned out the fridge, packed my lunch for tomorrow, did a load of laundry, and packed my clothes, so I'm all ready to go.

Rhonda came by last night to pick up the stuff that Jaimie left at my house for her a while back. She is still missing Tony's birth certificate, which J says she can't find, but I think she got back a lot of the stuff she wanted.

The cool thing happened this afternoon.

I ended up with a ticket for Rene Flemming, because Rodney is now going to be out of town (dammit). I went back through my emails, trying to find this guy on that I remembered liked opera. None of my friends like it, and I hate to see the ticket go to waste. Well I couldn't find him, so I decided to see if I could sign in to for a mo, just to email him.

No dice. They wanted $35 to sign back up before they would let me log in. But they did tell me I had an email. Well that was the straw. I've been trying to expand my horizons anyway, in the face of utter datelessness, and I was curious about the email. So I paid my fees and signed in. Well the email wasn't that interesting, but while I was looking around at the people who had looked at my profile, I saw an interesting looking ad for a guy in Greenville, so I dropped him a line.

Turns out he is a guy I used to see from time to time before I met Michael. His name is Walter. We liked each other, but things just never seemed to gel. I'm not really sure why now. Anyway, I dropped him a line, and he emailed me back telling me who he was, etc. It was really great to hear from him. I had wondered a couple of times what happened to him, but the numbers I had for him weren't good any more. I am encouraged. At the very least, maybe we can have a couple of dates. He is good company, and a nice, funny, smart man. Plus he plays piano, which I love. I just love artsy guys. They are so intense. Of course the down side of that is the starving artist thing. Sigh. I wish I could afford a trophy husband.

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