Saturday, March 22, 2008

I was a very good boy today, and I'm tired

Well after the flea market, I did take a nap. I'm still having sleeping problems. But after that I got up and got to work.

- I cleared off the top of the fridge, and then cleaned it. I have been putting that off forever. Then I washed the cookie jars.
- Replaced the tank on the toilet, another job I had been putting off.
- Scrubbed the bathroom floor.
- Scrubbed the kitchen floor, cleaned the baseboards, pulled out all the appliances and cleaned under them.
- Cleaned the sides of the stove.
- Cleaned all the wood parts on my kitchen chairs.
- Put away all the miscellaneous pieces of Depression Glass that have been floating around in the kitchen.
- Cleared and cleaned the kitchen table.
- Took out the trash, then got out the clippers and clipped all the bushes back from the back gate.
- Dusted some of the floors in the study.

Still a lot to go, but I'm making headway. I may be having guests next weekend, and I really am embarrassed to have people see the way I had let things slide. There's been so much going on, and I've been gone so much, I just haven't had time. I'd also like to be able to have Walter over. As I was watching an episode of How Clean is Your House? today on BBC, I was thinking, "I have turned into one of those people - my filthy house is affecting other areas of my life now!" Craziness. And really crazy in light of the fact that my ex's slob tendencies were a huge bone of contention between us.

Anyway, more cleaning tomorrow. This is long overdue. But I'll reward myself with a little run through the flea market first. I've also been eating crap. I had french fries for lunch today. But if I don't give myself some kind of reward, I won't keep at it. I was going to get fried okra, which I have been craving, but apparently they don't make it at Church's or KFC any more. Shame.

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