Friday, March 28, 2008


Well today was cake baking day.

I actually ended up with plenty of time to chill before I baked.

I got an email today from a guy I used to know back in the bar days. It was really good to hear from him, and we started getting caught up on what we had been doing, etc. He is a nice guy, and an attractive one, and he seemed to be intersted in me. All good. I ended up inviting him over for a while tonight, just to talk and see where things went.

We did talk, for several hours. He is a talker too, so there was lots to say. We sat on the porch for a while, since the weather was nice. But as the evening went on, I started to get the feeling that this guy was pretty ego-centric. This idea was kind of finished off when he informed me that sexual practices which require the removal of his rings were just too much trouble. And I'm sitting there thinking "Yeah, you're a giver."

So I said good night, and sent him home.

Then I started baking. I had arleady partaken of a couple of glasses of wine at that point, so I was pretty relaxed. The cake went together surprisingly well, despite my panic when I broke a yolk separating the eggs, and had to use two cold eggs out of the fridge. I just put the bowl with the whites into a warm water bath until I was ready for them, and they were fine. Then I whipped the whites too soon - I had forgotten to pre-heat the oven. But I beat them a bit more afterwards, and they went in fine. And my cakes did not fall.

I am INCREDIBLY relieved. I could have done the rounds of the bakeries for Italian Cream Cake layers (the icing will not be the traditional icing), but that would have felt like cheating.

I should sleep like a baby tonight.

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