Monday, March 10, 2008

Soooooo sleepy

Thanks to the time change (I guess), and thanks to my messed up sleeping patterns this weekend, it was almost 1am when I got to sleep last night. Needless to say, I was a zombie all day today.

Work is fine, although the work fallout from all these meetings Alan is calling is kind of a pain. I can keep up though.

Was off work early to go back to the sleep doctor. I explained to him that I am consistently only sleeping about 2 hours with the CPAP machine. He released me for surgery, since the CPAP wasn't working out, but he doesn't think the surgery will cure the sleep apnea. At this point, I told him just being quiet at night would be a benefit, so either way I feel like the surgery will be good. He left the machine with me, and told me two hours a night was better than nothing. he also thinks I may sleep better with the machine after surgery. Honestly, I haven't been as tired in the day since I had it, and haven't had to nap as much on the weekends, which is good.

That said, I went by the grocery store tonight, came home, and collapsed on the sofa. I slept until about 10, which of course screwed my circadian rythm even worse.

I did email playfully back and forth with Walter a bit today - that's still encouraging, but I'm going to have to meet him and see how that goes.

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