Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Blogger is throwing up again!!

In the 'compose' function, I am not given a cursor. In HTML mode, I am unable to make paragraphs or anything. It's EXTREMELY frustrating that this problem is going on AGAIN for who knows how long. I'll be checking in daily, and will begin posting again as soon as I can. Sorry for the delay folks. This is making me NUTS.


Anonymous said...

Miss your posts!!!

thefabulousmrthing said...

And I miss doing them. I really do. Lots of intersting stuff going on too. But as of today, again, I am still unable to do entries. :(

Anonymous said...

Missing your post. Can you try again now?

thefabulousmrthing said...

Just checked again. No dice. Sorry. I do miss writing.

Anonymous said...

Where are you blogging now. I miss reading your post. It is how I keep up with you

thefabulousmrthing said...

Unfortuately, blogger is still broken. I have pretty much stopped checking, it has been down for so long. I've gotten so discouraged, I have just quit blogging. I had the thought of losing all these posts. I put a lot of work into this blog, and they just won't respond. In spite of a complicated process making me change and verify the password several times, I am still unable to post new entries. My apologies.