Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A post in which I am greatly relieved

I sucked it up and got things done today.  There was a lot to be done at work, and they just keep piling on.  But I avoided calling the auditor in California.  I really need to talk to her, but I keep putting it off because I dread it so much.

One of the things that has been weighing on me lately is that I haven't been able to get in touch with Jason.  I have sent texts, called, and emailed to crickets.  I went back through today and realized that I haven't heard from him since July 6th.  I have vacillated between being miffed, worried, concerned, and kind of depressed.  I was pissy this morning and didn't wear my ring to work.  But I heard from him this afternoon.  He apparently left his phone in the back of a friend's car.  A bit lame - well maybe.  But it could happen.  And I was so relieved to hear from him and hear that everything was OK that I couldn't really stay mad.  Besides he told me he was coming down this weekend, and the excitement from that pretty much cleared out any left-over miffedness that might have hung around.  I'm actually rather surprised at how relieved I am.  I had thought that when I heard from him that it couldn't possibly be good news.  I have apparently invested more in this relationship than I was letting myself admit.  So that's food for thought.

I had dinner with Dad and Eve tonight - Chinese take-away since Dad just finally had his procedure done yesterday.  He's hurting, but seemed to be in pretty good spirits.  Eve happily nattered on about canning and the like (she's putting up vegetables out of their garden this year), and packed me up some home grown tomatoes.

Dad didn't last long tonight with the pain and all, but I saw him back to his room and then headed on home myself.

Since I was home early (for a Tuesday - I'm usually over there until 9pm or later) I decided to do something else I've been putting off doing.  I called DirecTV to schedule my service call and get the cable working again.  That's been a thorn in my side, but I've so dreaded dealing with it that I've put off calling them.  I looked into alternatives, and then wished that I had the fortitude to tell them just to turn it off.  But I am not a good enough person to just concern myself with my reading and crochet flag in the evening.  I lucked out.  For a denizen of the evil empire, the woman I got tonight was fairly decent, and most forbearing.  So we scheduled the service call, and I'll have to leave work, miss my lunch hour (and possibly longer) AND pay them yet more money (on TOP of the exorbitant fee - more than it costs to heat my house - I already pay) to get the freakin' TV pumping drivel again.  But since I must confront the fact that I apparently can't live without that drivel, I suppose it is ignoble to complain.  But I will, of course.

In the meantime - Jason is coming!  Yay!!

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