Monday, October 26, 2009

A post in which I shrug off responsibilities

The alarm went off at 5:30am. Not an auspicious start. I had forgotten to re-set it from last week. I tried to go back to sleep, but it was too late. I just got up and took my time having coffee and cigs on the porch.

I was amazingly productive at work today, considering.

Greg texted me in the afternoon, he had a surprise for me. He was in town and at Miss Kat and dana’s. They invited me over after work. I wanted to go, but I kind of had to re-org all the stuff I had planned for tonight.

I decided I could sleep on last week’s sheets one more night, that wouldn’t kill me.

I could put off returning my stuff to the library for one day – a 20-minute detour vs. fifteen cents in overdue fines was kind of a no-brainer.

If I did a fast trip through the grocery store (I had to go) I could grab dinner there, eat it when I got home, and head back out.

So that’s what I did. I caught up on email while I ate dinner, changed and headed out.I had a very nice visit with Miss Kat, dana, and Greg. We caught up, and watched part of Scary Movie II. I felt like it was the first time I’d been able to sit down and relax since last Thursday, although I know that isn’t true.

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