Sunday, October 18, 2009

A post in which I get more done than I expect**

I'm not having good luck with hooking up this weekend. I got shot out of the saddle so many times last night I have bruises on my butt. No wonder everyone is single. You have to be a calendar boy to get laid in this town. Or lower your standards more than I am willing to at this point. I tried again this morning. I ran into an old buddy online, who invited me by for coffee, danish, and a blow job - which by any standards is a pretty damn decent offer. So I went, after making a stop to see another friend.

I hung out, drank really excellent coffee, and talked to this guy and his lover for a while; but I really needed to go and get some stuff done today, since I got basically nothing accomplished yesterday but tire stuff. So eventually I peeled myself away and went to Home Depot. I had to pick up some new rubber gloves, because I have serious cleaning to do. While I was there, I decided to check in with their resident replacement window expert. He was actually very helpful and knowledgeable. I got a lot of info from him, and links to find out more.

That done, I picked up a prescription and headed home, ostensibly to clean. But I had to have lunch first.

And then a nap.

Then I dished up lunches I had cooked for this week and next (since I'm out of town next weekend), cleaned up the kitchen, and got them all stowed in the freezer and stuff.

Eventually, I did actually put soap to water and decided to start on the kitchen floor. I had to at least do around the fridge, since I had dropped a creamer full of fat free half and half in there Friday night, and it had dried really strangely. Not sticky, as I had expected, but really slick, like I had laminated the floor or something. Anyway, it was freaking me out. So I washed down the cabinet fronts, and hand washed the cooking area (which gets the dirtiest), and around the garbage can (ditto), and then pulled out the fridge, cleaned under and around it, and scrubbed down the side and door (cream had splattered everywhere).

But after that, my will kind of petered out. It was getting to be around 6:45pm, I hadn't had any supper, and I was really not all about staying in by myself tonight after last night. So I got cleaned up and called Miss Kat and dana, who were thankfully fine with my coming over to hang out for a while. After a quick yet indulgent dinner at Long John Silvers (where I was forced to converse with an amazingly chatty checker after being inadvertently pleasant to her), I headed over.

We had nice evening, smoking, talking, and watching snatches of a very disturbing movie with Sandra Bullock in it, inexplicably. But it was good to be around friends, in someplace I felt like I belonged. Their house has truly become kind of a home away from home for me.

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