Saturday, October 10, 2009

A post in which I am absolutely worthless

For most of the day.

There was certainly a lot of stuff that needed doing at the house today, and which I had intended to get done. But I woke up today with a real slug up my ass. I just felt like doing nothing. It was wet, so I had an excuse not to touch up the paint on the front porch, which has needed to be done all summer. But I also need to vacuum and clean up the house. That didn’t get done either. I watched a cute movie called Different for Girls. It was sweet, and a bit quirky, and the girl got the boy in the end. The protagonist was a post-operative transsexual. I liked how the surgery was part of the story (as it would be an a transsexual's life, I would think), but the movie focused more on the people story than on the surgery. The guy who played the love interest was so adorable that I briefly thought about surgery myself. But she got him in spite of, rather than because of, the surgery; even though their relationship would have been impossible without it. Anyway, not an option for yours truly.

I ate breakfast during the movie. I decided to finish a book I was reading afterwards, sternly telling myself I would get down to business after that. But that didn’t happen. I spent most of the day napping, snacking occasionally, and practicing my western grip. Yeah that was productive. Occasionally, I would wander through the house, look around, and think 'Wow, this place looks like hell.' Then I would go lie back down.

Eventually I had a text from James. We had made plans earlier in the week to go to Barnyard on Sunday, and he was firming them up. After we got that settled, he invited me up for the night. I was reluctant, because as much as I love love LOVE going to see them, we always stay up all night and then I’m worthless the next day. But since I had already been worthless all day, and home alone all day, I figured I may as well enjoy myself.

It did at least motivate me to get moving. I straightened up the house a bit, hauled off the recycling, and took some stuff to the library. I ate supper (I’m trying not to eat out so much), then got myself all ready to go and loaded the car. One of the other reasons I wanted to go was that I found a set of vintage glasses last weekend that match a pattern they are collecting.

I drove up listening to another of the excellent CDs Lee cut for me last weekend, let the dogs out, and had settled in to unwrap and wash the glasses when James and Jeff came in from work. So the timing was actually pretty great. We visited for a bit, and they told me that Chris was coming down. Now at first I was pretty nonplussed. Of course it is their home. But Chris is a straight guy who lives near Justin in the apartment complex. Although he’s always been nice enough to me, he had never really struck me as someone with whom I’d want to spend a whole evening. He turned out to be a lot of fun, however. I really liked him. We ended up playing Spades until 4am, as per usual, and I had a great time.

While we were playing cards, I casually started looking at the quilt they had over the sofa. It turns out that it was a hand-stitched quilt that Jeff’s grandmother had made in a ‘wedding ring’ pattern! So they were using at least a $250 quilt for a dog bed! When I mentioned that this was a bad idea, Jeff got out another, newer quilt that wasn’t as nice, and was kind of ripped up. I switched that one out.

Since we’d already planned to go to the flea market in the morning, I had brought stuff so I could just crash at their place. Which I did.

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