Monday, July 6, 2009

A post in which it is another quiet night

There’s been so much hullabaloo lately it’s almost a relief.

I firmed up plans for dinner out with one of the attorneys Wednesday night. Sigh. It is an evening spent with my boss, but it is a free meal. We're going to a steak house, which is fine. They apparently have other stuff. I just wish they would show some imagination every now and again. Of course, we were at a more adventuresome place the last time, and my boss wasn't especially thrilled about it.

I hit the gym, came home, and ate some hot dogs and leftover party slaw. I was hungry later, so I also ate some of my potato/ficken salad, but it turned out surprisingly bland. That recipe will need some work.

I did some laundry, checked my messages, and went to bed with a book. I’m re-reading Half-Blood Prince in preparation for the movie to come out. I may go back and read them all again since I don’t have anything on hold at the library right now.

Russ called later on to check on me and find out how my weekend was, which I thought was nice of him.

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