Friday, July 10, 2009

A post in which I go to see Miss Kat and dana

I was up early again today, and took the time to pay bills online. I have no idea why I find that so soothing. It's not like I have any money left over when I get done.

I knew today was going to be bad. I said my prayers and asked God in advance to forgive me for the things I was going to think before the day was over. Thus fortified, I went on in to the office.

It was actually worse than I was expecting it to be.

I didn't even have time to roll the rock to the top of the hill yet again because the attorney sucked up all my time today pulling unnecessary backup for that court case. I spent all day pulling stuff he asked for. He did take me to lunch. I made him go to the organic cafe near work and we had organic greens with curry and brown rice. After the Wednesday night cholesterol-fest I figured he needed it.

After work I called Anna and talked to her about doing stuff tonight, but she was in one of her strange places. We made plans to go to dinner, but when I got out of the gym I had a message from her dad. He said she wasn't feeling well and had gone to bed. I pretty much know what that means. It was actually just as well. I love Anna, but I just didn't have it in me to be Dr. Laura tonight. I'm too out of sorts and selfish right now.

On the way home, Miss Kat called and invited me over there. I went. Helen was upstairs and I talked to them all for a while before she escaped. After that we just sat around and smoked and talked. Miss Kat made cookies. It was a nice evening, and one that I badly needed after this week.

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