Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A post in which I keep my head down and keep reading

It was a pretty quiet day today.

One of my reps came to town today. He’s from New York. We’ve worked together for years, and he’s a helluva nice guy. He’s also in the closet, late 40s, and single again. We commiserated over the difficulties of meeting someone, and shared some dating horror stories over lunch. He took me over to Saffron (they have an excellent lunch buffet, and it is a constant temptation). We had a good lunch, ate like hoglets, and caught up on each other’s lives. He’s a sweet guy. I’d like to see more of him. I really should take him up on one of his invitations and go up to Buffalo or something.

Justin returned from his Mystery Vacation over the weekend of the 4th and emailed me today. He apparently came back with presents, which is a nice thing. I’m trying to set up some Justin time, but between our schedules it is apparently not going to be easy. I made it known that I don’t have any plans this weekend, but apparently he’s holding that time open for other things.

I hit the gym, came home and started reading, but it wasn’t quite as uneventful tonight as it was last night.

I got a text from Joey, asking me what was wrong. He is the guy I went out with last Thursday. I like him just fine, but don’t think it’s a love connection. I had to tell him that. He took it well enough, I guess. The whole thing just left me vaguely depressed though. Back to the cycle of rejecting or being rejected. Right now I just kind of feel like giving up, withdrawing, and never dating any more. The whole thing just seems pointless and exhausting.

I read for a while longer and turned in. The cats are thrilled that I am home and relatively still.

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