Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A post in which I am a good boy

Work was work. I’m doing write-offs right now, and there aren’t that many. No problem to get them done with almost two weeks left in the month. The only problem is on the one big one. The manager of that account is a cultural dinosaur who still uses paper files. He has lost the paper file for a 50k account that needs to be written off. I’ve only been asking him for it for a month now. I’ll have to devil his every step and make both of our lives a hell between now and the end of the month to get anything from him. Sigh.

After work, I decided to skip the gym and go home and mow the grass, which desperately needed it. That was one of the many things I let slide to play all weekend last weekend. But fortunately, the weather is unseasonably cool at the moment (it was only 85 this afternoon), and since it has been dry for the last couple of weeks I was really just knocking the tops off the weeds, so it didn’t take long. Still, I hate working in the yard so much I felt justified in giving myself a break from exercise. Besides, I’m sure I burned a few calories anyway right? The lawnmower gods hate me. Last year I had a mower that wouldn’t stay running. The new one has a wheel that keeps falling off now. I put it back on three times today (stopping to find the nut, etc) before finally going into the house, getting a wrench, and clamping it on. It will barely turn now, but at least it stayed on through the rest of the job.

Afterwards I sorted and started some laundry – another thing I didn’t do last weekend. I then ate some cherry tomatoes (that needed to be eaten) with French dressing and saltines for dinner.

I went to bed feeling very virtuous – rare enough.

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