I hadn't intended to do the whole New Year's Day dinner thing tomorrow. After all, I am full of dip and have a freezer full of soup now. But I dropped in the grocery store to pick up a couple of odds and ends, and saw all the people buying their peas and greens, and started thinking. With my boss retiring and all this year, this would not be a good year to tempt fate. I'm not superstitious, particularly, but I'm just hedging my bets a bit. So when I got home, I put my peas in to soak.
Well I have to say, I have never been a big fan of New Year's Eve. Particularly when I'm single. There's so much pressure to be having a good time at the last of the year, and by that point, everyone is really kind of tired out from the holidays anyway. For me, the fun has always worn kind of threadbare by New Year's Eve. Then there's also the whole kiss at midnight thing, and the reminder of another year spent alone. Small wonder people get drunk. Which is pretty much what I decided to do. Not that I have been a model of temperance for the holidays anyway, but I just decided to tie one one for NYE.
I was invited to Kimblee and Laura's house for their get-together. I dearly love them, and they are very good to me. I love them even though they have a gorgeous period Arts and Crafts home (with mullioned windows yet) that practically fell into their lap, already in perfect shape. Their NYE thing is always small, 15-20 people, so it's not a mob scene; and I know everyone there. Once again, nice laid-back people I enjoy seeing.
They had put together a nice buffet, some things they had made, and some fattening holiday stuff they wanted to get out of the house (Laura, like me, suffers from a tendency to become overly Rubenesque easily).
I did drink too much, but not way too much. I saw in the New Year. It was better to be at a party than to be alone. I did enjoy seeing everyone. I even got a kiss at midnight, from a kind of weird guy that was there. And now I wonder.
See last year I kissed Michael at midnight, and then this whole year has been about getting over him. Is the next year going to be about being involved with kind of weird guys? I hope not.