Thursday, December 6, 2007

After pulling All To My Will at work yesterday, headed home to finish up the house for Mom to come. Stopped to do some shopping on the way home, because I had talked to Russ about getting gifts for him and Billy. I had emailed them both yesterday about what to buy for the other one - neither of them were a damn bit of help. Russ owns everything in the known universe that he wants, and Billy, I guess since he lives with Russ, doesn't really want anything. So I'm back at square one on gifts for them.

I went by Whole Foods again last night, only to find that they have removed the shelf tag for Quorn Turkey Roasts completely. After talking to 3 different employees, I was told that none of their suppliers have any. They are shipped here from the UK (which I guess is why they are so fricking expensive), and they have apparently gone the way of the dodo. No one seems to know why. Grr. Of course they have plenty of those nasty Tofurkeys, at $12 (!! - on sale!) apiece. I wouldn't mind that as much, if they weren't filled with stuffing. I can do my own dressing, for a hellvua lot less that $6 a pound, thank you very much. So I guess it's turkeyless holidays for me this year.

By the time I got home, I had a bad case of the don't-give-a-damns. Mom is always telling me I don't have to clean for her to come. I guess I'll find out whether or not that's true. The shower is clean, and I did the toaster oven (which really needed it) and the microwave. I'll do a quick vacuum job tomorrow after work, and call it a day.

Talked for a while to yet another evangelist assimilationist I met on for a while. Favorite quote from the conversation: "If anybody fucks me that isn't in love with me, I'll cut their dick off." The search continues. It's a shame. He's awfully cute.

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