Sunday, December 23, 2007

Procrastination, thy name is Steve

Well what I should have done today is wrap gifts. They are all still piled in my study, unwrapped. And Christmas is like tomorrow.

Woke up to lousy weather that really didn't make me feel like doing anything. Since I hadn't bought any vegetables yesterday, I went back to the flea market in a drizzle like clouds spitting occasionally. Fortunately for me the vegetable sellers were there.

I got enough veggies to do a big pot of smother-fried garlic vegetables to eat on next week, and did a big 4 pound batch of Decadent Baked Broccoli. So I did get something accomplished. Yet I still have not wrapped a single present. Sigh. I hate to wrap presents. I LOVE buying and giving them; just hate wrapping them.

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