Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A post in which I spend some time on a discouraging Easter Egg hunt

This morning I was working under the assumption that today at work had to be better than yesterday. Thankfully, that was the case.

Tonight was the first time that I really had the time to sit down and spend some time on Fetlife. It was quite disappointing.

Since I pretty much take any advice that Ms Shay gives me as a great idea, I took it to heart that this would be a great way of “putting it out to the universe” (as she says) what I was looking for. I hadn’t realized at the time that I could just have just as effectively put a note in a bottle and thrown it into the ocean, but by the end of the evening this rather depressing realization washed over me.

The website doesn’t really have a narrow search function, so you have to look through every listing in the state. The overwhelming majority of the men are straight. There are some gay guys on there, but they are so far and few between that just finding one was an accomplishment. That’s not even taking into account attractiveness, chemistry, brains, etc. Much less my very special push-me pull-you makeup. (Gay sexually insertive submissives just are not in high demand – much less forty-somethings with fairly high mileage and what I'll charitably describe as less-than-showroom packaging.)

When I signed off, I was pretty down. If he was out there, I don’t think he’d ever find me.

I counted my blessings and went to bed. Overall, I am an amazingly lucky guy. It just seems that I'm going to be a single one.

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