Monday, March 1, 2010

A post in which I am back at work

I woke up feeling horrible. But I took some Ibuprofen and dragged myself through my routine and to work.

I had to do month end today. It's also quarter end, and we have one of the auditors in (we have three sets, thank you Sorbanes-Oxley). My pills kicked in though, and I handled things pretty well. I got a good bit of work done.

By the end of the day though, I was wiped. I was really glad I didn't have anything to do tonight.

There's a lot going on this week.

I have:

- dinner and a movie with Anna
- dinner with Dick and Eve
- dinner with Nicole
- a hair cut on Friday night

So tonight is my only night in. I dragged myself home and to bed. The new bedspread needs waching. Jinx has decided it is her new favorite place to throw up. I'm so glad that machine-washability and a pattern that would disguise cat vomit were priorities on my shopping list for that particular item.

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