Friday, March 5, 2010

A post in which I go see Russ

I woke up in the same condition this morning. If I ever make it through this week, I am not doing SHIT on Saturday. I had planned on doing some housework, but I just don't see that happening at this point. I feel like I could sleep for a week.

Work was work. After the never-ending nature of the rest of the week, that was a great improvement.

I really was ready to get my hair cut, and to see Russ and Billy. Again I fortified myself with Ibu and Emercen-C before I went to the shop. If he wanted to do something afterwards, dammit, I was going to do it. I have the rest of the weekend to rest.

When I got there, Russ was finishing up some guy whom he had apparently scheduled purposefully to coincide with my appointment. When he finished, he "had to run to the back". He introduced us and left us "to get acquainted". Yeah, it was about a subtle as a blond on a bar stool with an unlit cigarette dangling from her lips. His heart is in the right place, I know, but this guy was (how can I say this nicely?) pretty much personality-free. I made some half-hearted conversation to be polite, but his responses were nothing if not lackluster. He beat a pretty hasty retreat. Russ was apparently fairly impatient with me that things had not gone better.

I'm kind of off men these days. The last two I had at the house were such disasters. Plus I've been feeling so bad lately that I just haven't thought much about sex or dating. Unusual for me. I'm wondering how much of this is my going off my zinc supplement, and how much of it is the usual winter hibernation period for George. There's usually that period between Christmas and sap-rising time in the spring where I get kind of a break from demands. I'm not claiming maturity or better life perspective at this point.

After my haircut, we went to the house, and out to Miyaki for excellent sushi. I really love that place. I had asked Billy to record a movie called Between Two Worlds for me on DVR. It's a great old movie, but hasn't been released on DVD, and they only show it once in a blue moon on TCM. I thought I wasn't going to be able to stay awake for it at first, which aggravated me enough that I woke up pretty well for the second half, when things start happening. It is so frustrating to me that I have so little left over for my real life at this point! I had thought that the movie's conclusion would appeal to Russ's sense of "eye-for-an-eye" justice, but he didn't make it - he fell asleep before the good part started. But it was great to see Russ and Billy and spend some time with them, especially after I had to decline the invitation last Sunday. I went home somewhat mollified.

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