Thursday, January 31, 2013

A link in which I begin to feel craptastic again

When I got up this morning I decided to unwrap the finger.  I had gone to bed without changing the dressing because I had finally gotten the bleeding stopped.  I was afraid to mess with it.  This morning I went through my routine, then took off the wrappings.  The finger looked strange, gray, and zombie-like.  The end was also pretty gross.  But it got through the shower OK.  I decided to put the fresh bandage on after I got dressed, but bumped it on my sock, and it started bleeding again.  But at least this time I could get the bleeding stopped.

As I went through the day, I started feeling progressively worse.  As I feared, that crud was coming back.  There were times when I was on meds still that it kind of felt like it was in the background, just waiting to come back, but after a week or so of relative health, I thought I had it licked.  Apparently not.  Sigh.

I decided that I didn't feel good enough to go to dinner tonight with the boys, which was a shame because they were going to The Olive Tree.  Not only would I have enjoyed seeing everyone, but the tzatziki sauce there is legendary.  But it was not to be.  I decided I didn't need to spend the money anyway (and really, I don't).

But on the way home, I started thinking about the couple of odds and ends I still needed to pick up.  I headed for Big Lots, with the idea that they few things I needed would cost less there than at CVS.  I used to get my toiletries there.  That was not such a great idea.  The lure there is the discontinued foods section, which I find endlessly fascinating.  I did get a couple of things I really needed for the house, but I also came away with several tins of nuts, two bags of cookies, and a (small) can of Pringles.  I always crave junk food when I don't feel good, and the allure was too strong tonight.  I emerged $42 later, triumphant.  I probably just should have gone to freakin' dinner.

I headed home, ate hot dogs (still delicious), and went to bed. 

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