Sunday, January 13, 2013

A post in which I do stay in, for the most part

I woke up this morning and once again moved to the sofa.  It doesn't seem like I could feel worse, but that seems to be the case.  It's hard to quantify.  I didn't over-do it that badly last night, and I've been taking it pretty easy.

I slept most of the morning and woke up with my throat killing me, but I know I have to go back to work tomorrow. 

I did hear from Michael today.  After telling me yesterday categorically that he wouldn't be free today, he sent a text asking if I was free.  That's kind of how he does.  He'll say he's not free, and then after I make plans he suddenly is.  So he runs hot and cold.  It's hard to tell what the deal is.  But he wanted to meet me tonight after a dinner date that he had with friends (what about all day today in the meantime?), and I turned him down for that.  I don't want to be an afterthought, and I don't need to be up late tonight, or driving back from Blacksburg. 

I talked to Andy off and on all day.  He's very sweet, and he stays in touch, but he really doesn't have anything else going on.  He has no money and no car.  He seems trapped where he is.  There wouldn't be any dating.  If I took him on, I'd just have to keep him, and I don't think I can afford him.  Plus, as sweet as he is, I just don't want to take on another husband that doesn't have two cents to rub together.  I guess that sounds shallow.  But there's a lot of responsibility that goes to going to pick up Andy.

Eventually, I ended the pity party.  I got up, did my feets, and got cleaned up.

I dropped off the recycling (there was a big box and a surprising amount of packaging that came with the calendar, and I didn't want it laying around the house this week), then went to get fruit for lunches (I thawed stuff out for lunches next week - no way was I cooking this weekend), and crap for dinner.  I always crave junk food when I'm sick, but I've been pretty good so far.  Tonight I indulged in frozen fried green beans and spinach artichoke bites. 

As I put my green beans in the oven, I had a text from the boys wanting to round folks up to go out to dinner.  At 5:30 on Sunday evening.  Really?  I just sent a text back that I had just put dinner in the oven, and would loved to have known ahead of time.  I just despair of trying to make plans with the boys these days.  It seems impossible.  They made arrangements to go to supper 30 minutes before they were ready to leave the house.  On the one hand, I don't want to categorically say 'no short-range plans - ever'.  Sometimes impromptu things can be fun.  But it is very frustrating to never know what you're doing from one day to the next.  And it's kind of insulting that they just expect everyone to be at their beck and call.  But then it seems that folks are.  I don't know how to handle this without sounding like a jerk. 

Tonight wasn't the night to go into it anyway.  I didn't need the temptation to go out.  I really needed to stay in and rest up for the work week to begin tomorrow.  I still feel kind of wrung out, and I took pain pills tonight because my throat hurt so badly.

In the end, I ate my crap, took pills, and went to bed.  Which was what I needed to do anyway. 

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