Friday, January 18, 2013

A post in which it is Friday

When I woke up this morning, it was clear.  There were no clouds.  It was odd.  When I went to work, there was a strange orange ball - just hanging there, glowing in the sky.  At first I was afraid.  I thought maybe it was a bomb or something, but it didn't move, and didn't explode.  Then I had a vague memory that there used to be a glowing orange ball in the sky pretty regularly - one bright enough to light up the daytime.  That vague recollection kept me from panicking, and I got on with my day.

Today was about write-offs, and I worked on them until it was time for the twit meeting, which went smoothly.  Alan wasn't feeling good and was in a fairly pissy mood.  He started in on me over a series of small (>$50) credit memos open on the Canadian aging.  I was thinking really?  Really?  After I've dropped that again by roughly $3M in the last two years, and yer gonna bust my chops over a couple of hundred dollars?  I also gently reminded him that I have an entire freakin training manual to write in the next month or so.  Sheesh.

And shortly after that it was time to go home.  I debated doing something tonight.  Then I thought about the sucking sound my checkbook makes each time I open it.  I got paid today, but the money was immediately gone.  Sigh.  I went on home.

I had just reached the home stretch on a feast of peanut-coconut spread crackers and string cheese when the phone rang.  It was Dana.  She invited me over.  I was surprised to realize that since I had just come on home, it was only about 7:30.  I went on over.

It's always good to see Miss Kat and Dana.  Miss Kat had made a cake with a gorgeous pineapple/coconut/and nut caramel topping, which we cut into.  I also had some potato chips.  I can't keep them in my house, because one back is a Steve-sized serving, but they always have them. 

We visited and caught up, and then watched some episodes of Duck Dynasty, which I haven' previously watched, but it was nice to watch something funny.  It was a nice evening.

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