Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A post in which things are a little more back to normal

After work today I got a call from Dana - which is always a good thing :)  She wanted to come see me tonight, and I was of course delighted.

I also heard from Jason today, who asked me to send him a picture.  I had a semi-decent pic of me in my phone, so I obliged.  We talked for a little bit on the way home.  I also heard from a guy named Patrick.  I've been talking to him for a while now, but he has just recently apparently decided to think about actually meeting.  He is conspicuously gorgeous, and funny, but we have not yet had the talk of T yet.  We had been talking about my going up there this weekend, but now I don't think I want to do that right now.  Jason is supposed to be back Thursday.  So before it was NO men, and now you'd think I was putting out some kind of guy-dar or something.  All them bees be buzzin' around my flower.  It seems to be feast or famine!

In the meantime, I had stuff to do.  It is Stacy's birthday tomorrow at the Cancer Center, and she told me that's when she wanted her thank you brownies, so I went home to make them.  I got my brownies in the oven, and decided to make some supper.  I still had mediocre Chinese food in the fridge, but had decided to throw it in with some of the new Gardein Madarin Ficken I had bought a couple of weeks ago.  It had been languishing in the freezer because I had thought for some reason that I could just throw it in the microwave, which was not the case.  Anyway, I threw it in the pan, thawed it out, and mixed in the leftover Chinese, along with the sauce packet.  Now frankly the sauce packet I could have taken or left, but the ficken was divoon - really great.  I would order that in a restaurant all day long, were it available.  I foresee more of that stuff going in my shopping cart. 

I also had time to pull the brownies out of the oven and change the sheets before Dana got there.

We had a nice visit, and I talked to her about the Jason situation.  She seemed to be able to understand where I was coming from.  Dana is conspicuously level-headed, and a good person to cut through the bullshit to the heart of the matter.  I felt better after talking to her. 

After she left, I consumed 6-8 pounds of cookies and went to bed.

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