Monday, February 27, 2012

A post in which it is a Monday

The week got off to a fairly nice start. Russ reminded me this past weekend next weekend is the Kindred gathering for inductions. We have four new family members - yay - but that also means that I needed to get on the stick and get some more cookbooks printed up. Fortunately I had already gone back and done the re-edit for type-o's and re-numbered the pages. So I printed it all out this morning and got it to the printers. The woman remembered me! I couldn't believe it, because I was last in there in December of 2010. But she did, and told me they could get the books back to me by Friday. It gave me a lift to realize again that I wrote a book. It's a hard feeling to describe. I'm doing a re-edit for vanilla folks, and hope to have copies of that bound for Christmas to give to Cole and to friends.

I stopped for groceries on the way home, forgetting to use the coupon I brought with me as usual. They still don't have my favorite yogurt back in stock, inexplicably. They have all the yukky flavors, of course. They did have two that I kind of like, so I got some of that. I checked the price on the he detergent, and I did get a good price on it this past weekend, which made me feel good. I became consumed with a craving for big soft pretzels and spent about 15 minute in the freezer section before I finally found them (it was worth it). I bought the stuff for my dish for Saturday night. I'm debating on whether or not to take a lasagna for lunch on Sunday. I'd like to, but there are other things I need to do Saturday, I don't know how many people would eat spinach lasagna, and I'm afraid that if I spend all day in the kitchen Saturday I'll be too tired to enjoy Saturday night.

I had hot dogs for supper and chatted online tonight while I caught up on the latest RuPaul's Drag Race. I'm talking to a guy named Michael who sounds promising, but I'm afraid that I'll send him screaming into the night. He seems pretty cloistered. But he's local, and cute as a bucket o' puppies, so I'm gonna try.

I had washed my new pants in hopes of wearing them this weekend, but they were still stiff as a board, so I threw them in with a jacket that needed washing, and washed them again. I was reflecting ironically tonight that I wish what I was putting in the pants would retain stiffness as well as the pants themselves are, but then also decided I don't want to go through life as a bonobo either (bonobos have permanently erect penii). I looked them up online today, and found that I got them for over 50% off. I had no idea Carhartts were that expensive.

I stayed up too late.

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