Monday, February 6, 2012

A post in which I see the doc

By the time I got through my morning routine and to work I was hurting so badly that I really didn't feel like working on anything. Fortunately my desk is fairly clear right now.

I waited for a call from the Cancer Center. I had been assured that they would call me first thing this morning to schedule an appointment with the doc. I finally called them, only to be told that they most likely would not be informed of anything that happened over the weekend, and that I would have to leave yet another message, which I did.

They did call me back fairly quickly, and I got in to see the doctor. He scheduled me for another sonogram immediately, and got me an injection of blood thinners. He also told me that he thought the same thing that I did, but that the swelling under my arm worried him. If that was a swollen lymph node, that would be a 'bad sign'. I was scared and called Rhonda to go with me to the second sonogram.

The woman that did it basically told me that a) I do have a blood clot; and b) that she really couldn't believe they didn't find it this weekend.

So the blood thinner injections continue, and I have another meeting with the doc on Friday to see if my blood is thin enough, and where we go from here. The pain is supposed to be gone in a couple of days. Lovely.

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