Friday, April 9, 2010

A frustrating Friday evening*

It was a pretty quiet day today. Alan was out, the monthly reports were done, and so I just had me regular job to do, which was a refreshing change.

After work I would love to say that I went right home and worked on my hat, but I did not.
I rode by my friends Randy and John’s coffee shop to see them, but they weren’t there.

So I went on home, got stuck in online and wasted the entire evening there. I tried to fall into the Manhunt vortex, which was really where I felt that I needed to be tonight, but no dice. I got stood up twice.

Eventually I did have a buddy show up for a very short visit. Prolly shouldn’t have done it. But I felt like I needed to. After that I went to bed. But it was a frustrating waste of an evening.

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