Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A post in which I slack off for an evening

I remembered today that the simultaneous broadcast for The Magic Flute is tomorrow at Regal 20 Theater here. Tickets are only $5. I called Brian, the only guy I know who would want to go, and left a message.

I hit the gym, ate a salad, and decided to watch a movie tonight. I watched John Waters’ lecture/stand-up titled This Filthy World, which was free on cable OnDemand. Seeing him talk about his life, the people he knew, and the movies made me want to watch the movies again. He talked about how Divine died a week after the original Hairspray was released. That made me kind of sad. But he’s very engaging and well-spoken, even if he did mention several names I have never heard of. He also talked about some books I’d like to read.

Brian called me back this evening, and unfortunately he can’t go tomorrow. I’m thinking I’ll just go by myself. I sent Robert a message about it, he is the only other person I know who would sit through an evening of Mozart, but he lives in Anderson, and I’m thinking the 7pm show time won’t work for him.

After that, I chatted a bit online, but Dan wasn’t talking to me tonight for some reason. I turned in early. I have a visit from my morning guy tomorrow.

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