Sunday, August 23, 2009

A post in which I am a pretty good boy

I was a very good boy today. I did some cleaning on the bathroom, cooked, did some laundry, went to the grocery store, took out the trash, and ate all my meals at home.

My virtue was greatly aided by an Angela Lansbury marathon on TCM. Since there weren’t tons of “star vehicles” for her, they ended up showing some movies in which she was just a peripheral character, but some interesting films.

I watched Tenth Avenue Angel, which was kind of a schmaltzy mix of Miracle on 34th Street, The Waltons, and The Catered Affair. Next was a western called A Lawless Street - yeah, I got a good bit of work done during that one. They showed The Manchurian Candidate, but I ended up missing it. I would really like to see that movie sometime, even though I have never been that into political intrigue. Robert Osborne claims that it’s one of “The Essentials”, though, so I’d like to give it a shot. Of course, I have never cared for Citizen Kane, which is supposed to be one of the best movies ever made.

By evening they were apparently kind of scraping the barrel for Angela movies though – they showed Bedknobs and Broomsticks, which I love, but which I don’t really think would be considered a classic by most people.

Around the time that I had finally finished up supper and could sit down for a bit, dana called me. She and Miss Kat were on their way home from this month’s discussion munch with LOCK, and asked if I would like to come visit for a while, which I did. I don’t usually go places later on Sunday night, but I had been by myself all day. It was good to get out and enjoy some of my day off. I felt as if I had worked most of the day today, not that everything didn’t need to be done.

So I had a nice visit with Miss Kat and dana, and came home to flop into my clean sheets with a feeling of accomplishment and reward.

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