Friday, August 7, 2009

A post in which I have company

Nicole invited me out for a girl's night tonight. After giving first refusal to Miss Kat (since they had invited me to their place three times last weekend, none of which panned out) I was delighted to accept.

Then there were flurries of difficulty. She had a girl friend coming, I had a friend coming. Then both friends canceled. We ended up at my place drinking wine and pretty much smoking until our lungs bled. We invited our friend Todd, and to both of our surprise he actually showed up.

Nicole told me all about her trip to England and Europe. It sounded lovely, and I was absolutely delighted that she got to go, but I didn't envy her the journey and the kerfuffle one bit. We did the gossip thing, told dating horror stories, and shared both our current dilemmas and hopes for the future. I feel closer to her now.

When the wine and the nibbles were gone, the cigarettes were smoked, and both of our eyes were heavy, we reluctantly ended a lovely evening of conversation and company. I feel closer to Nicole.

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