Saturday, August 15, 2009

A post in which I have dinner at Russ and Billy's

I woke up this morning fairly drug out from last night, actually, but got up anyway. I’ll be gone all day tomorrow, so there were some things I really needed to get done today.

I went to the flea market, but no glass. I did go ahead and get my fruit for the week. I didn’t really need any produce. I’m making a pasta salad for lunch this week and already have mostly what I need.

When I got home, I was feeling drug out still, so I ate some breakfast and took a nap. I woke up about 1pm, and knew I had to kick it into gear. Russ had told me to be at their place at about 5 today. I turned on a movie and started cooking. I decided to make some of the double chocolate rice crispy treats I made for the camp-out, since I had all the stuff at the house, and they’re pretty easy. They’re also pretty messy. I got cleaned up from that while I was cooking the pasta for the pasta salad. I got my salad half done. I really needed to go to the store, but I had things I needed to do before I could leave. I decided to put the shopping off, did my house stuff, and went on over to Russ’s.

To Billy’s complete surprise. Apparently no one was showing up until 7pm, but they had forgotten to tell me. Oh well, there are worse things than having a couple of hours of down time with R&B.

Dinner was great. R&B are back on Weight Watchers, so they had set up a friendly dinner with grilled meat and veggies, and baked potatoes for those who wanted them. I have to say, a baked potato with all the trimmings sure did hit the spot for yours truly. Of course I ruined their meal by bringing copious amounts of gooey chocolate bars. Some other guests brought hot Mexican dip and chips as well. At first my treats weren’t going, and I figured I’d just take the rest of them to James and Jeff’s house tomorrow, but then later on they started disappearing, and then Russ informed me he was keeping the rest LOL. But they gave me all the baked potatoes and grilled veggies to take home with me, which I thought was an excellent trade. That’s a couple of dinners next week at the least.

Miss Kat had set this up as a demo for Greg, who is apparently interested in BDSM, but had never actually played that much. That really didn’t change. Miss Kat demonstrated a variety of toys on both me and dana, but Greg didn’t really show much interest in picking the toys up, getting the weight of them, or swinging them himself. That was a small part of the evening.

But we all got to see each other and socialize, which was lovely. It was a very nice evening.

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