Friday, August 28, 2009

A post in which I feel bad

I woke up this morning feeling like shit. I've been nursing a cold for the last two weeks, but really didn't do anything last night to make me feel this bad. I finally decided I would just have to go to the doctor. Unsurprisingly, it turned out that this was not a cold, but an upper respiratory infection. I used to have a lot of these in the Summer, but after my surgery last year, I don't get sick nearly as often as I used to.

I got my prescriptions filled and went back to work. The pharmacy hadn't put the lid back on my cough medicine very well, and so I promptly dumped cough syrup all over my pants, my desk, the carpet, etc. They pharmacist told me he couldn't replace the medicine because it was a controlled substance, so I was just screwed basically. I have about a third of the bottle left. I had a conference call to do, and I did it, but I started feeling worse and worse. Finally, I just went on home. I hit the sofa and passed out for the afternoon.

I had called Lisa this afternoon for an Executive Mommy Decision on whether or not I should come down. I hate to disappoint Cole, especially since Lisa told me he canceled other plans because I was coming this weekend. Since the doc said that I wouldn't be contagious any more by tomorrow, Lisa said to come on.

When I woke up I felt a little better, and threw a load of laundry in. I wanted to wash my magic shorts to wear this weekend. I got these plaid shorts a couple of years ago, and noticed by accident a week or so ago that the plaid somehow magically breaks up the line of my thighs and makes them look more slim, so I've been wearing them ever since.

I moved the wash to the dryer, but that's about all I did tonight besides eat gratuitous amounts of junk food. I decided this afternoon that I need extra calories for the purpose of disease-fighting. I'm trying to rally my energy, and hoping that I'm going to feel a lot better by tomorrow...

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