Saturday, November 28, 2009

A post in which it is Flea Market Day!

I heart flea market day. We were both up fairly early this morning, and ready to roll. Mom loves a flea market almost as much as I do.

My favorite is the old flea market. I've gotten some really nice things there, but no luck today. After looking it over, we went up the street to the Barnyard Flea Market in Columbia. Barnyard flea markets just seem to be better. I led Mom to the back and we started in the yard sale stuff. Almost immediately I scored. An American Sweetheart salver, priced at only $12. I knew it was worth more than that so I snapped it up immediately. She had some pink Mayfair cups as well, but I just usually don't buy a cup any more unless I feel sorry for it. No one wants to use them.

American Sweetheart 12" salver in pink by Macbeth-Evans Glass, circa 1930-1936

I kept seeing old cake plates today at various prices. I usually hold out for one with a pattern I recognize, but I'm down to one Mayfair cake plate in my "extras" stack, and it's slated to go to Miss Helen with her Christmas cake this year. So since I saw three of these today, I took it as a sign and bought one for $2. You can't buy plastic for that.

Vintage cake plate - no idea what the pattern is but I see these every where

Just as we were leaving the yard sale section, I found another Beaded Block bowl. This one is opalescent as well, but it's clear. The ones I bought in Wilkesboro are clam broth color I think. But still odd to see so many bowls in the same pattern around the same time. The opalescence is a bit light on the piece, but for only $5 I couldn't leave it.

Line #710 or "Beaded Block" opalescent "riffled" bowl by Imperial Glass, circa 1927-1930

I was pretty stoked about my finds. We did the rest of the flea market, but the oil painting guy wasn't there today. We were looking for pictures for Mom's living room and for over my mantelpiece in the living room, which is still occupied by the placeholder I put up months ago. But you can't have everything, right?

After the flea market, we went to a meat n' three for lunch, where I had a very good vegetable plate and a lot of sweet tea. Thus fortified, we stopped at Big Lots to see what they had on offer. One of the things on my list was a baby doll for one of the kids we've "adopted" at work. Baby dolls are apparently out of fashion just now, although hoochie "Brats"-style dolls abound. We did find some baby dolls at Big Lots, and I picked out a pretty one for our girl. It's squishy so she can sleep with it if she wants, but still pretty.

We were headed home, but decided to stop in Carolina Pottery for a look round. I was able to find a pretty great thing to take to Donnie's dirty Santa party on the 12th.

After all this, we basically just went home and collapsed. We were pretty tired. We'd been on our feet for two days. We turned on the TV and watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (the original cartoon, not the Jim Carrey monstrosity) because Mom hadn't seen it this year yet. Since we both fell asleep during parts of it, we watched it twice.

Mom heated up Thanksgiving goodies for dinner, and we watched Elf, which I hadn't seen. It was pretty good.

By the time the movie went off and Mom talked to Rod, it was that time again. It has been a lovely visit and we've had a lot of fun, but I'm ready to get back to my own bed. It will be good to climb into it tomorrow night.

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