Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Woke up sick this morning. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Everyone in the office has been trailing various forms of pestilence through for weeks, and of course I have been running myself ragged. My resistance was bound to be down. My company takes the same view of illness that the Catholic church does on homosexuality. It's OK to be sick, as long as you don't act sick. Or miss work. If I missed work today, I would have had to take vacation time too, which would have screwed up the time I'm taking off for Christmas (8 days! if only I can make it).

I took some cold medicine and went on in, feeling like crap. I did what I had to do and left work early, something I very rarely do. I'm trying to clear things out on the schedule. I may be able to get H to have dinner here Thursday night. I still have to get my hair cut Wednesday night, and have to bake the cake for the work potluck or there will be a riot. The party Friday night is out. The paty Saturday night may be out too if I don't feel better. I wasn't directly invited to that one anyway, I was going with Russ and Billy. Sunday I have off this week, blessedly.

I went through the grocery store, since there were a couple of things I had to have and I wanted some soup. When I got home, I just couldn't face the yucky bed. I hadn't had time to change the sheets this weekend. They weren't really dirty or anything, I just didn't like the thoughts of it. So I stuck them in the washer and collapsed on the couch for a couple of hours. I wanted the flannel sheets back on the bed, so when I woke up, I stuck them in the dryer and had some soup and cheese toast for dinner.

Mary Poppins was on tonight.

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