Saturday, December 20, 2008

A fascinating (if wet) morning at the Anderson Jockey Lot

Well as usual when I can get some rest, I fail to get any. The elixir let me down. I woke back up at 3:30, and after some internal debate, took another half teaspoon. I was back up at 7:30. But I figured I had gotten some sleep.

I knew going to the flea market today wasn't a good idea. I've been nursing a cold all week. Plus it was yucky this morning. Overcast, gray and damp. But I figured I could stand a run through White Horse Road. I didn't get to go at all last week. But there was almost no one at White Horse Road. Against my better judgment, I decided to go to Anderson.

The weather got worse on the drive down. It was misting rain by the time I got there, and I figured there would be no one there. But I was wrong! Usually at the first spit of rain, everyone leaves. But I guess because it is the weekend before Christmas there were a LOT of people shopping. People just put up their umbrellas and shopped on, as did I. It was just a mist. But the sellers were leaving. I have never seen the sellers packing up with that many people shopping before.

I was out there til the last though, peeking under tarps and just watching the people. $3 was the magic price today. Everything I bought was $3. I bought what I thought was a "Raindrops" sherbet/champagne, but there is no such piece listed in the book. Which means I may have a rare piece, or a piece of crap. There is a stress crack in it anyway that I didn't see until later. I couldn't feel it, since it isn't a chip, and you only see it when the light catches it. That's what I get for buying glass in a hurry. I did, however, pick up a lovely Waterford sandwich tray that I have long desired. I have two of the big trays, but the smaller handled one has lovely lines that I have long admired. I saw one at D'relda's Christmas party last weekend. That settles what I'm taking to the bear party anyway. A homemade cheese ball will look simply divoon upon it.

Waterford 12" handled cake plate in crystal by Anchor Hocking, circa 1938-1944

It was fascinating watching people today. There were all these little dramas going on around me. I saw lovely redneck boys out with their closeted friends, brothers and fathers and sons out shopping together for Christmas, and many families. The one that broke my heart, though, was the closeted lesbian out shopping with her married friend, with whom she was clearly in love. She had that goofy "boy in love" grin on her face that only butches and adolescent teen-age boys can achieve, bounding along delightedly next to her oblivious companion. The damp hair hanging in her face and her air of adoration gave the impression an excited Labrador Retriever. I watched them until I creeped myself out.

Of course there were the usual numbers of opportunists out trying to make a quick buck for Christmas. One table had bunches of fir tree trimmings, clearly pruned off Christmas trees, gathered into bunches and tied with bright red bows, for sale.

For Sale: Redneck stadium seating. I got a huge kick out of this.

As it started getting wetter though, everyone just moved inside and kept shopping from the inside tables.

What do you do with a shipment of odd coffee table tops that came with no legs? Why create Art, of course!

It was crowded and damp inside, since everyone was crammed in there. I saw many Christmas puppies being carried around by various ages of boys. One baby lab had a tiny Santa hat on it, which was just adorable. Unfortunately there were also an inordinate amount of ginormous strollers violating the rules, which started to get on my nerves. But I did the whole inside. I was looking for a t-shirt for BB, but oddly enough, I had a lot of trouble finding any. I didn't want sleep shirts, since she's in diapers now, and they would get in the way. But there was only one t-shirt seller I could find that was appropriate. I got her one from them, but they didn't have a very good selection. I guess I'll have to pay retail for another. The horror!

A display of size extra-humongous novelty (I hope to God) panties.

Eventually, I decided it was time to hie myself hence. By that time it was Seriously Raining. I had already seen a traffic jam in front of the Jockey Lot, a first for me, but it wasn't too bad. By the time I got to the car though, I was soaked. By the time I got home, I was chilled. I just stripped down, hung everything in the shower, and crawled back into bed. I snuggled up in my flannel sheets and slept for about two hours, after which I felt much better. And very hungry.

I had a lot to do today. I really needed to get over to Miss Kat's, I had books to return at the library, and I had to get some lunch. There was nothing in the house to eat but bologna that I was saving for lunches next week and leftover uninspired salad. I had my grandmother's Christmas check to deposit too, since I know what I'm going to buy with it and wanted to go ahead and order it.

I loaded up the car with stuff I needed to take to Miss Kat, and went on to lunch. I went to the Mexican place close to my house. I like their food, but they always screw up my order. They just can't seem to conceive of the fact that I would want food with no meat in it. True to form, I got nachos today, and they didn't have any meat on them, but they had also left off the beans. I'm going to a party tonight and need a good protein base on my stomach since I'm going to be drinking. I didn't kick up a fuss, just ordered a side of beans. The waiter there is so cute though. I used to think there might be something in his attentiveness, but now I think he's just a good waiter. Sadly.

After lunch I called Miss Kat's, but they were out. I went by the bank and came on home to get ready for the party. I renewed the books online and just figured I'd return them next week. I spent some time on the phone with a very nice but completely unhelpful rep in India, trying to get my Christmas thing from my grandmother straightened out, but no dice. As I was getting ready, Miss Kat called, but it was too late to get by there today. I'm going to shoot for tomorrow. I was cutting my nails. For some reason, I never need to cut my nails until I'm going someplace with Russ and Billy. Then I look down and suddenly I am Mu Shu the dragon lady, and it's either paint them or cut them. Anyway....

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