Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yuck part II

I did get some sleep last night anyway, but woke up still feeling bad. Being out of the office today was not an option though. I have to prepare the slides for the Thursday meeting today, and browbeat everyone into giving me their stuff to complete them. I also have to reconcile accounts today so I can do write-offs Thursday and Friday.

I walked in to a face-full of audit hell. My boss hadn't completed some of the audit and is on the road this week. He dumped the incomplete in a co-workers lap to finish, and she was in full panic mode. Additionally, one of the auditors who hadn't gotten back with me on details they wanted decided that they would have to have it today, since it was due last week. I managed to get that calmed down.

But it's a pretty sucky day here.


Kimberli said...

Sending you some love, cheer, and feel better vibes!

thefabulousmrthing said...

Thanks darlin. Things did get better. I just haven't had a chance to post about it yet.