Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sadly, my reindeer butt remained sedentary

Just called while I was still playing around on the computer after posting. He was putting off doing schoolwork, and I was putting off Christmas cards or (shudder) gift wrapping, so it worked out well for both of us. We chattered away about glass, dishes, blog drama, Christmas shopping, and James's perpetually turbulent lovelife, among other subjects. He actually called originally to ask me to donate his present money to Country Santa, but it was too late. I have already bought his gift, and it can't be returned. So he sighed and said he suppose he would have to resign himself to a present instead. I miss that boy. I hope he has some time to play after final exams are over.

By the time we got off the phone, it was pretty much time to clean up the kitchen and go to bed. Which I did.

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